Sunday, July 20, 2008

Finlay Scott Chief Executive. Dubbed the Witchfinder General

Donald and I hid a lot of things regarding Shipman. To distract the public, we blamed the doctors and now happily punish them. No one must of course know that the reason Shipman existed was because of our incompetence. No one must know about the meeting to reverse the findings for the Bristol Doctors either. Its all about how good you keep the secrets and what you make people believe. You can make people believe anything with a lean mean publicity machine.

Finlay Scott
, Chief Executive

  • Member, Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board
  • Governor, London Metropolitan University
  • Deputy Chair, Management Committee, International Association of Medical Regulatory Authorities
  • Chair, Physician Information Exchange Working Group
Finlay Scott's CV and additional document available on the Shipman Inquiry website.
Search for " Finlay Scott"

Education Open University BA Hons 2.1 Economics
Durham University Business School MsC Management Studies [ Distinction]
Open University LLB [hons] 2.1


Anonymous said...

Who appointed an open university graduate to head the GMC?

Anonymous said...

Clearly, someone with their eyes shut.

Anonymous said...
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