Suggested by Dr EM.
Famous in the case Pal v GMC.
We found this.
Conducted the infamous " discrete inquiry" but could not spell discreet. Criticised by Harris HHJ for spelling error. Psychiatrist turned private detective was the GMC's health screener responsible for a number of human rights abuses in the GMC. Having left as screener following the Pal fiasco, our sources tells us that she was re-employed as panellist so she can shaft more doctors. Any doctor who has been assessed by Mann should have their case reviewed independently.
From Transcripts read this am.
Harris HHJ - Is this gentleman, this health screener, who presumably is medically qualified, is he?
MISS COLLIER: The health screener, he or she is medically qualified, yes.
JUDGE HARRIS: He doesn't know the correct spelling or meaning of the word discreet presumably, which is pretty alarming.
MISS COLLIER: My Lord, presumably that is intended to be e-e-t.
MISS COLLIER: So, my Lord, that is Article 8. My submissions on that are concluded because we don't rely on limitation for the purposes of this Application.
There is a second claim under the Human Rights Act under Article 14. If one goes to my skeleton, after Article 8 there are submissions on Article 10 which are no longer relevant because the claim is withdrawn, and one goes to page 24 of the skeleton argument. Her allegation that she has been discriminated against on grounds of her opinions is now at paragraph 3(k) of the particulars of claim at pages 24-25.
JUDGE HARRIS: This expression "discrete enquiries", are we meant to read this as meaning discrete in its proper sense or as a misapplication of the word of discreet in the sense of -----
MR JAY: My Lord, I corrected the spelling earlier on but I missed that one. It is discreet with two e's.
JUDGE HARRIS: A lot of people seem to like this word discrete (c-r-e-t-e) but don't understand it and don't know how to spell it and use it inappropriately.
MR JAY: I did put it right on the previous page.